The 116 Life
An unashamed believer is not defined by the t-shirt they wear, the job they work, or the country they live in. Instead, being unashamed means more about their character and the posture of their heart. Through an identity found in Christ, The 116 Life is marked by living out who God created them to be, using their gifts, talents, abilities, and passions all for the glory of God. No matter the occupation, these individuals are unashamed of admitting that they are a work in progress, they don’t have it all together, and they need God. They work hard to be excellent wherever God has them and unashamedly point to God while doing it.
Do you know someone that is living The 116 Life? Our hope is to gather and feature individuals that are living unashamedly for the glory of God. Fill out this questionnaire and we will choose one per month to highlight on our website. All submissions can be sent to info@reachrecords.com with The 116 Life in the subject line. If your nomination is chosen, we will contact them and conduct a short email interview about how they are living out The 116 Life.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”
Romans 1:16
All Comments 23
Dope logo!! And even more dope concept. Brilliant.
Nate Sjogren
– Jan 16 2014
Can I put my self on it, or do you have to find someone living the 116 life?
Josh Lafferty
– Jan 16 2014
This is a great idea!! My prayer is that this go well and do better than what's expect. And I believe that it will evolve into something much greater, and lives will continue to be encouraged and transfomed. This is an awesome way of letting us know that we are not alone and the body of Christ is so much bigger than me, myself, and I.
Don Sheard Jr.
– Jan 16 2014
This is Dope!! Excited about where our movement is going!!God really has something for all of us!! Also, can we put ourselves or do we have to submit someone else?
Gabriel Garcia
– Jan 16 2014
Isn't the verse supposed to say "gentile" instead of "greek" ?
Josh Jr.
– Jan 16 2014
@Gabriel: It'll probably be fine if you nominate yourself.
@Josh: Same idea; depends on the translation selected :)
– Jan 16 2014
– Jan 16 2014
I would love to be interviewed. Ministry in music has really affected my life in a big way. This was the first "Christian" Group I have ever listened to. Now I'm inspired to give God gifts that He has blessed me with.
– Jan 17 2014
I from Cape Verde, for me 116 is a life! me and my brothers we like this,SHALOM
Nax beat
– Jan 18 2014
I truly enjoyed reading this post. This reading to me is truly who we are suppose to be as children of the most high God!! Awesome!! People lives are being changed for the better
– Jan 18 2014
Awsome Post
Eric Romanoff
– Jan 18 2014
They keep saying 116, but the music and art they display does not say so. What's going on here. It's not okay to misuse the word for yall own personal gain and advertisement. It's cool though everything yall doing in the dark is being bought to light. Prayerfully yall will snap out of it and truly represent Romans 1:16 (For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of Godthat brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.)
They are not truly displaying Gods power with gimmicks and tricks. They are doing what the World is doing and fowarding the enemies lies. This only taints the view of a new believer and hinders their walk with Christ. Folks need to wake up and realize this before it's too late.
(TYP) Jovan Stone
– Jan 21 2014
@(TYP) Jovan Stone
They are not using a Scripture verse for their own gain, they're using it to make people realize who Christ is and what they should be doing to follow Him. I know a lot of people who say that Christian Rap is not of God and that it's the Devil trying to trick Christians and other people. This could not be farther from the truth. God can and will use everyone and everything for His glory. Just because it has a different beat does not mean it is of Satan. I love Lecrae, Derek Minor, Trip Lee, etc. because their lyrics are a good, godly message. They say we need to live like Christ wants us to; we need to find our identity in Him and not in the things of the world like pornography, cheating, sex, drugs, money, etc. I've heard the love of Christ is their music over and over again, and if you don't then you're probably not actually listening to it. I would encourage you to listen to some of my favorites like "Temptation" from 116 Clique, "Desperate" and "Don't Waste Your Life" by Lecrae, and "A Life Worth Dying For" by PRo.
The fact that these Christian artists are getting non-Christians to listen to them is a great thing! They are hearing the Gospel in a different way that doesn't annoy them. God uses everything for His will, His purpose, and His glory.
– Jan 26 2014
@ Jovan Stone. You are religious. What kind of life are you living, Huh? That's what I thought, a worldly one. Yet again, wolf in sheep's clothing, twisting the word of God. Instead of you twisting the word of God around, I think you should let it twist your life around to the path of life.
– Jan 27 2014
Me, My Husband, and Mom were planning on going to the Winter Jam events in Chattanooga and in Knoxville (Jan 12 & Feb 14). We were so excited Lecrae was gonna be in Tn again! We first saw Lecrae in 2013, March I think, it was our first concert and it was awesome! Unfortunetly my Mom got Hosptialized on Jan 3 and was put on a Ventilator on Jan 5, she spent over a month in ICU, she was able to get moved to a regular room on Feb 7. She was unresponsive for 12 days! She went into the Hospital for Bilateral Pneumonia and then got hit with a bunch of other medical problems like A.R.D.S, Meningitis, COPD, etc. The Dr.'s told me over and over that they didn't think she was gonna make it and if she did she would have a lot of memory problems and could also end up in a toddler mental state and I needed to be prepared to make the decision to take her off the vent or not, I was so scared, I'm only 22 and Ive lost so many loved ones already, including my Baby boy! I'm an only child and she's a single Mom so the decision was all on me! I prayed so hard everyday and thankfully God is answering my prayers, she is doing a lot better now! She remembers her life and everyone in it! And Hopefully on Monday she will get moved to Rehabilitation for her therapy cause she isn't able to walk or move too great yet but she will get there! The Dr's are absolutely amazed by her! They told me it was the worse case of pneumonia they have ever seen and they didn't understand why she was so sick cause she's only 42! She saw the Winter Jam commercial the other day and was so upset cause she missed Lecrae and were gonna miss his performance in Knoxville which was yestersay also, I told her it was fine and he would hopefully come back to Tn soon. She still doesn't understand how sick she was but I will explain it to her more when she gets better and is home. The Dr's told me if I wouldn't have got her to the Hosp when I did she would have died at home since it was so severe, and she wouldnt go to the Dr when she first started feeling ill, she just kept putting it off. I just wanted to let everyone know how bad it is if you put your health on hold! She is now on a Trach but hopefully can be took off oxygen soon. She has came so far and everyone is so proud of her! Mom just thought she had a common cold that just kept getting worse and since she just kept putting it off it almost took her life! So please everyone just take care of yourself! And Lecrae, please make sure you come back to Tn sometime soon so we can see you again Lol. I know your suppose to be in Nashville in March but I don't know if Mom will be recovered by that time but she already said she wants to go if she can. We all love your music and your such a great guy and influence! Thanks for listening to her story! God has truly blessed us, and we are so Grateful!! God Bless!
Erica Danielle
– Feb 15 2014
I Love what Reach Records is doing as a whole.I love the music and the message keep it up guys unashamed 116.
– Feb 17 2014
I think this is an awesome idea!! I picked a friend of mine last time, but he didn't get chosen...My question is the same as Josh...can we nominate ourselves??
– Feb 28 2014
This is great,awesome to read of the amazing stories of how God is using people in different fields to light his word through the darkness.Forever unashamed till he takes us home.#116 #Anomaly
Samuel Ndhlovu
– Sep 17 2014
Hi Frankie,Don't take that mother's words selriusoy. She's so selfish and impolite!You have many fans to support you. Wish you all the best in the New Year Shirley
– Sep 17 2014
Jonathan, you completely irgenod an entire genre that a lot of Christians don't want to admit exist in Christian music: Metal! And it isn't just fringe kids who like it, at least not here in Ohio. Skillet and Kutless are great, but they are mom and pop music compared to Antestor, Tourniquet and frosthardr. I know you don't like that kind of music, but what do you do when you meet kids who are into Disturbed and Marilyn Manson? Actually expect them to like Skillet? Night and day, Jonathan, night and day. No offense again I know you and a lot of people don't like metal and don't want to steer kids toward it, but if they're already listening to something that sings about the band's lord satan', wouldn't you rather them listen to Horde's Wounded Bleeding Dying Antichrist, or Savior Machine's songs that are almost all based on the book of Revelations? Just a thought. (By the way if you have never heard of these bands blame the judgmental Christian music industry who refuses to acknowledge the validity of these styles of music as ministry despite the huge success of events like BobFest in Norway and Cornerstone in Bushnell Illinois).
– Nov 23 2015
I would like to nominate my daughter Kayla Starks. I feel, better yet know, that she embodies the "Unashamed" lifestyle! She has three loves in this earthly life; GOD, Music, and Basketball! She is a "military brat" that has traveled the world and was born in Wurzberg Germany. She is also a World and Facebook famous independent Christian recording music "artist". She prefers not to be called a rapper because she sings, writes, produces and can play a few instruments. She exemplifies Ministry Multitasking. She enjoys making great God-centered music, but LOVES to Minister in any capacity allowed. At the age of 9 she was diagnosed with Crohn's disease but still was able to push herself to play Little League, Middle and High School Basketball. Even though recently she has had a few mandatory hospitalization for treatment she was still able to tour and release two successful albums "Theopneustos" and "To Be Honest". She is currently working on her newest EP release called "Outlasting Seasons" due to drop January 1st 2016. That's three releases in just about a year from an artist that just turned 19! She is UNASHAMED and her work ethic is unrivaled!
– Nov 25 2015
I would like to nominate Kaleb Arends for the 116 life. He's my best friend's boyfriend and we both share the love for 116..and I think that he would really enjoy having something like this for life.
– Apr 12 2016
Hey ? so I was today years old finding out about 116 ? 10 years too late ??? ?
– Mar 28 2024